Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Skin Cancer Facts

A lot of people I come across aren't as proactive with protecting their skin as they should be, so here are some quick skin cancer facts that everyone should know.

80% of lifetime sun exposure occurs prior to age 18. (This means most damage done to the skin happens while we are young, not over the course of several years.)

Death from skin cancer occurs at the rate of one death per hour in the United States.

Skin cancer kills more women in their late twenties and early thirties than breast cancer.
Malignant melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It comes in the form of black or dark patches on the skin and is usually uneven in texture, jagged or raised. It is not always found on areas exposed to sunlight.
Please keep an eye on any moles or skin markings you have. Check for change of shape or color and see your doctor if any changes might occur. It is important! 1 in 5 people will get some form of skin cancer, please don't be that 1 person. Wear sunscreen and keep tanning to a minimum. I used to be a tanning booth junky, but switched to spray tanning about a year ago. I can't undo the damage that I've already done, but I can prevent any more from occuring.

I have included the ABCD's of melanoma below. This is from the cancerresarch institutes website. For more information you can go to http://www.cancerresearch.org/

The ABCDs of Melanoma

The simple ABCD approach is a useful guide to help you identify moles you should show your doctor.

A = Asymmetry: Melanoma lesions are typically irregular in shape (asymmetrical); benign (noncancerous) moles are typically round (symmetrical).

B = Border: Melanoma lesions often have irregular borders (i.e., ragged or notched edges); benign moles have smooth, even borders.

C = Colors: Melanoma lesions often contain many shades of brown or black; benign moles are usually a single shade of brown.

D = Diameter: Melanoma lesions are often more than 1/4 inch or six millimeters in diameter (about the size of a pencil eraser); benign moles are usually less than 1/4 inch or six millimeters in diameter.

Early detection and treatment greatly improve the chance for surviving this disease. Patients with metastatic melanoma -- where the disease has spread to other, more distant parts of the body -- have a poorer chance of recovery. The longer you wait to have a mole examined, the greater the chance a potential melanoma may become metastatic.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My top skin care recommendations

When it comes to skin care, finding the perfect product is very important. I am frequently asked what products I would recommend. The truth is what works for one person might not always work for you. The two products that I do tend to recommend are Dermalogica and GM Collins. Both are comparable to one another, but GM Collins is more botanical based.

GM Collins has four different cleansing sets. Sensiderm for sensitive skin. Hydramucine for normal to dehydrated and dry skin. (There is a huge difference between skin that is dehydrated and dry skin, but more on that another time.) Puractive for normal to oily skin, and PurAcne for acne prone skin. There are seperate cleansers, toner lotions and moisturizers for each of the four types. Once a week you will need to exfoliate, and boy are you in for a treat with this product line. GM Collins intensive exfoliating gel is a cool way to shed the dead skin cells. It smells like key lime pie and unlike some exfoliants does not irritate the skin. If you have oily or combination skin I also recommend using the deep cleansing solution once a week to help get ride of the congestion that clogs pores. If you are combination skin, then only use it in the places that you struggle with oilyness.

Dermologica also has different lines depending on what skin type you have. Sensitive, Normal to dry, Normal to oily, Normal, Oily, Acne prone and an anti-aging line. Dermalogica is one of the best products out there, if you decide to use this product you probably will not be disappointed. Why I love Dermalogica is the fact that they offer travel size kits of their product lines. For $40 you pick which kit you need, depending on your skin type, and you have travel sized bottles of a cleanser, toner, exfoliant, and moisturizer. This should last for at least a month, maybe two, and it's a great way to try a product line without spending a tone of money until you know you are really happy with it. Dermalogica has an extensive adult acne line, so if that is something that you struggle with, I suggest you look into it.

The products can be found in salons and spas that use them in their treatments, but I buy all my skin care products from Face, etc at http://www.faceetc.com/. It offers discounts, and usually has free shipping.
Like I previously said, what works for one person might not always work for you. It might take some time to find the products that work best with your skin. Please remember that when a new product is introduced to your skin it takes about 60 days for the product to show results. Your skin might break out a bit, but don't disregard the product after a week. Unless you break out in a rash or are extreamly irritated by the product please try to give it the full time need to show results.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New project!

Pictures from a 50's style pinup session done a few weeks ago.
Jessica Dwyer
Andrea Warner
Valerie Lum
Jessica Peirce
Liz Capp
Athena's Designs and Photography
Jennifer Moon Photography